We bring light to see smiles!
Mission: To support nonprofit organizations, public service agencies, and community associations in raising spirits, awareness, and funds for children, families, and fans of all ages.
Vision: Envision a world where every smile we spark radiates lasting light, illuminating hearts and minds when they need it the most. We strive to be the beacon that brings warmth and joy from within, impacting every life we touch.
As a non-profit organization of superhero causeplayers, we strengthen our community by supporting nonprofit fundraising, hosting community-building events, and visiting ill / injured superhero fans of all ages.
Our services are available in-person or virtually throughout Central Maryland and beyond.
Are you passionate about Superhero Support?
You can help out front or behind the scenes!
We accept applications for passionate volunteer board members, superhero causeplayers, and event support staff, like photographers and set-up sidekicks, administrative and tech support, social media, and more.
Spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, volunteering time, and monetary donations are vital to helping us achieve our mission.
Your support is critical!
Thank you!
...by helping community service organizations raise awareness, funds, and spirits through
interactive storytelling & engaging activities
at hospitals, schools, in the community;
wherever called.
Our Superhero Causeplayers provide a welcome distraction to children in hospitals and under challenging circumstances. They visit dressed as fan-favorite comic book superheroes, sharing stories of hope and interacting in ways that ignite imagination and limitless possibilities, lift their spirits and empower them to face the present/future with optimism and courage.
We often deliver donated comic books and gifts, especially during the holiday season.
This program also offers our own Superhero Support brand character powered by hope, presence, and intention. We call it "Mindful." Mindful encourages children to be conscious between visits by breathing deeply, noticing thoughts and feelings without reacting harshly, and remembering that their most extraordinary powers are combined with free will and hope. Smiles measure our success with this program!
Nonprofits have operating expenses that we help them raise money to pay by suiting up for fundraising events and inspiring potential donors to give. Sometimes, seeing heroes makes people want to be heroes too by giving what they have to help a cause. Our success is based on how much the nonprofit raised to meet or exceed its goal. Knowing goals and strategies upfront helps us team up and support their efforts.
Raising spirits and awareness at community events is something our superheroes are in high demand for at festivals and parades. Our success is measured by the number attending the event to get photos or selfies with their favorite superheroes. The number of attendees that we draw helps local nonprofits, community associations, public service organizations, and small businesses flourish.
Public service agencies like law enforcement, schools, libraries, fire rescue and safety, public health, etc. seek to raise awareness and educate. They invite us to help draw attendees and support their efforts. Our success is measured by the number of attendees.
There is no way to repay someone for putting their life on the line to protect our country and way of living. Market research showed us one way. Many comic book stores that flourish are located near military bases because many of those serving enjoy reading comics. So, we suit up as superheroes to visit veteran's hospitals and military base family events to show our appreciation and raise their spirits. Our success is measured by the number who interact with us and get photos or selfies.
We support parades to help people celebrate and honor important holidays that remind us of what we've overcome to make us stronger.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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